Myriam Borg – Create Australia

A passionate and innovative executive, Myriam Borg has spent the better part of two decades developing strategies for expanding the reach of the unrecovered funds industry. Ms. Borg, the general manager and CEO of Create Australia, is recognized for her pioneering work in this field, which includes the development of several critical theories and principles discussed in her widely acclaimed book, “The Refund Consulting Program.” Indeed, Ms. Borg was the first to develop a highly effective approach for ensuring consumers have ready access to the assistance necessary for securing any lost funds being held in trust — funds to which these consumers are legally entitled.

1.What advancements would you like to see in the industry?

In recent years, I have shifted the focus of Create Australia refund consulting with the goal of achieving several industry-specific advancements I would like to see. In order to help a greater number of consumers while operating on a truly global scale, Create Australia NSW now functions as a training organization that provides remarkably cutting-edge training programs for the unrecovered funds industry.

2. What will the industry look like in five years?

With increased awareness and widespread availability of training programs, it is my belief that the industry will be able to have a far greater impact on the economic wellbeing of consumers all over the world.

3. What’s your history with Australia?

Obviously, the business I run is headquartered in Australia, and even though we have since expanded to New Zealand as well as countless other countries, I am proud that Australia will always continue to serve as our primary base of operations.

If your best clients ask…

4. What are the finest restaurants in Australia? Why would you recommend each?

Since I visit Sydney often, I’ve developed quite a fondness for the French fusion cuisine offered by “est.” It’s the first restaurant I recommend to clients who will be in the Sydney area, and I do so because the food is exquisite and the chef is one of the most renowned chefs in all of Australia.


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